Owner­ship and liability

The EWII Group is a private business enterprise, organised with a Board of Representatives.
The EWII Group is a private business enterprise, organised with a Board of Representatives.
  • Management

    Executive management of the EWII Group.

    Group management
  • Financial highlights

    Results of the year and for a period of five years.

    Financial highlights
  • Group overview

    The EWII Group comprises a number of subsidiaries, each linked to EWII's core areas.

    Group overview

Ownership and liability

The EWII Group is a private business enterprise, organised as an independent institution with a Board of Representatives elected from among the company’s customers. 

EWII’s customers have no share in the company or its assets, and only the company is liable for the company’s obligations.

Articles of Association of EWII 

Chairman of the Board Anders Skovdal

Board of Directors

The EWII Group Board is comprised by 17 members of whom two are elected by the employees.

The members of the Board are elected among EWII's Board of Representatives and serve a four-year term.


Chairman of the Board, Anders Skovdal


Board of Representatives

The Board of Representatives constitutes the EWII Group's ultimate authority, and its members are elected for a period of four years. The Board of Representatives currently consists of 120 members, who are elected among EWII's utility customers along with two employee representatives.

The members of the Board of Representatives appoint EWII's Board of Directors, and the Board members are elected from among the representatives.